Curriculum 2024-2025
Abeka Mission: is to support and equip students, teachers, and parents by providing amazing Pre-K through Grade 12 academic resources based upon biblical values.
Intellectual: Teaching from a practical, traditional approach will develop your students intellectually. They’ll be able to demonstrate appropriate grade-level knowledge aligned with our scope and sequence, achieve or exceed grade-level scores on nationally normed standardized testing, and pursue a college program of study.
Moral: Through traditional teaching designed to help instill good character and by meeting program expectations, students will be able to display personal integrity in their everyday lives and discern right from wrong.
Spiritual: Because of daily Bible instruction and use of a Christian curriculum, students will be able to apply biblical truths from God’s Word to their own lives, demonstrate knowledge of the doctrines of the Bible, and choose prayer and memorizing Scripture to grow in their faith.
BJU Press provides educational materials written from a biblical worldview that focus on academic rigor and encourage critical thinking – all supported by appropriate educational technology.
Biblical Worldview
In Christian education, the Bible is discussed in Bible class and chapel—but how does it apply to other academic subjects? We shape each subject according to the lens of Scripture. Each discipline takes on new meaning when we apply the themes of Creation, Fall, and Redemption.
Academic Rigor
Our educational materials are not just biblically faithful—they are also academically sound. Our materials use hands-on-learning, creative problem solving, and other research-proven instructional strategies to motivate students to take an active role in learning and to master age-appropriate material.
Critical Thinking
A complete education goes beyond facts and processes, so our textbooks direct students to think for themselves. They are encouraged to use discernment and to consider their worldview in everyday situations. Our textbooks help students to develop skills in critical thinking with inductive teaching, hands-on-learning, and probing questions.
Technology Solutions
Teachers are looking for innovative ways to engage students in learning. At BJU Press, we offer technology enhancements for teachers and students to use daily in their classrooms and on the go.
BJU Press provides educational materials written from a biblical worldview that focus on academic rigor and encourage critical thinking – all supported by appropriate educational technology.
Biblical Worldview
In Christian education, the Bible is discussed in Bible class and chapel—but how does it apply to other academic subjects? We shape each subject according to the lens of Scripture. Each discipline takes on new meaning when we apply the themes of Creation, Fall, and Redemption.
Academic Rigor
Our educational materials are not just biblically faithful—they are also academically sound. Our materials use hands-on-learning, creative problem solving, and other research-proven instructional strategies to motivate students to take an active role in learning and to master age-appropriate material.
Critical Thinking
A complete education goes beyond facts and processes, so our textbooks direct students to think for themselves. They are encouraged to use discernment and to consider their worldview in everyday situations. Our textbooks help students to develop skills in critical thinking with inductive teaching, hands-on-learning, and probing questions.
Technology Solutions
Teachers are looking for innovative ways to engage students in learning. At BJU Press, we offer technology enhancements for teachers and students to use daily in their classrooms and on the go.
Our Commitment
We are committed to providing the most comprehensive educational materials available to equip our students to be “Life Ready”. We therefore use the biblical based A BEKA and IGNITIA curricula. The A Beka and BJU Press curriculum’s focus on the development of skills and knowledge to insure a foundation for lifelong training. We also use the Santillana Curriculum for Spanish courses given to all Elementary students.
In addition, to instruct our Preschoolers from (PK 2-PK 4) we use BJU PRESS curriculum.
All our 3rd to 8th Graders use “Ignitia comprehensive curriculum”, created exclusively for Christian schools, Ignitia is a versatile and multi functional online learning platform, with streamlined efficiency and interactive features that enrich the educational experience for Christian teachers and students in elementary, middle, and high school. Ignitia curriculum includes lessons in four core subject areas: Language Arts, Math, Science, History/Geography, with a diverse list of electives also available. Ignitia courses are not only rigorous and interactive, but provide instruction based on a Christian worldview, encouraging students to consider challenging questions from a biblical perspective.